Mission Statement

The mission of the Alvarado, Kitayama, and Pioneer Elementary Media Centers is to provide all students with access to the library media center which, supports standards-based curriculum by providing instruction in library media curricula including 21st Century Literacy skills to ensure students become lifelong learners and productive citizens in our community and society.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lessons 4/21 - 4/27

5th - 3rd Grades:
Reliable Websites


Fill in the information below about the above website.

Kinder - 1st Grades: More Mercer Mayer - It's Almost Easter Time!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lessons 4/14 - 4/20

5th - 3rd Grade: Thesaurus Skills

2nd - Kinder: Meet Mercer Mayer

Mercer Mayer Sings too!

More Mercer Mayer Imagination!