1. How many books can my child check out per class visit?
Fifth through 3rd grade students may check out a maximum of 3 books during class time.
Kindergartners (or any student) may check out up to 5 books with their guardian, before or after school.
2. How long can students keep books?
Books are due back the next scheduled media prep, usually 7 days.
Students may renew books an unlimited number of times, however the book must to be returned to the library to be renewed.
3. What happens if a book is not returned the following week?
Students cannot exceed their maximum number of books allowed. For example, a third grader, who has one book at home and has returned two books may check out or renew two books.
4. What happens if my child does not bring back any books and cannot check books out during library time?
Students may quietly read a magazine or act as a library aide while their class is in the circulation process.
5. When do you send home notices regarding late books?
An automated reminder is emailed home the day after materials are overdue. At the beginning of each month, I print out notices for students who have books that are more than two weeks overdue. I also print out notices regularly during library time to help students remember to look for their books.
6. Are there late fees for overdue books? No.
7. How much do lost or damaged books cost to replace?
All books lost or damaged cost $25.00 per book.
8. What do I do if I suspect a book is lost?
If you have helped your child look for a book and you are certain that it is lost, please send in the money for a replacement copy.
Sometimes a book turns up; when this happens your money will be refunded.
9. Can I purchase a book to replace the book that was lost or damaged?
Yes, however it must have a "hardback cover" and be "library bound". It may NOT be a "discarded" book from another library.
Unfortunately, if the library book is found and the purchased replacement copy has already been processed, you cannot be reimbursed. Please speak to the media specialist prior to purchasing any replacements.
10. Are there restrictions on the types of books my child can check out?
Students are encouraged to check out “just right” books, however becoming an independent reader is reading for pleasure and reading books on topics that interest them.
11. Can I help my child select a book?
Yes, you may come into the library before or after school, or you may send a note with the title, you are interested in having your child check out.
12. How do I know what books are in the school library?
We have a computerize catalog system called CATS (Catalog for Authors, Titles, and Subjects) which your child has been trained to use. It is available online at http://library.nhusd.k12.ca.us
I hope these questions and answers have been helpful. Should you have any questions that I have not answered, please feel free to send me an email at AValine@nhusd.k12.ca.us
Goals of the Media Center Program
1) To provide intellectual and physical access to information through independent learning activities supporting and enriching the curriculum that ensures our students will have the required skills to be effective, efficient and ethical users of information
2) To provide access to multiethnic, multimedia information related to student interests which is in a variety of formats, such as literature, video, DVD, or computer programs, which allow students to understand, appreciate, and produce creative works.
3) To provide an atmosphere of collaborative learning in which students respect each others ideas, backgrounds, and acknowledge the contributions of all human beings to the advancement of knowledge.
The New Haven Unified School District provides technology resources to its students and staff in furtherance of its educational and business purposes. It is the district's goal to promote educational excellence in the district's schools by providing technological resources, facilitating innovation, and improving communications with the support and supervision of parents, teachers, and staff. The use of these technology resources is a privilege, not a right.
Access to computers and people all over the world through the district's technology system entails potential access to material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of a school setting. The district believes that the value of the information, interaction, and research capabilities available through computer technology outweighs the possibility that users may obtain material that is not consistent with the educational goals of the district.
Proper behavior, as it relates to the use of technology, is no different than proper behavior in all other aspects of school district activities. All users are expected to use the district's technology system in a responsible, ethical, and polite manner. Parents are strongly encouraged to be involved in their children's technology use and to guide them in ethical and proper use. This document is intended to clarify the terms and conditions of access to the technology system and expectations as to its proper use.
All persons using the technology system shall comply with all applicable laws and district policies including, without limitation, laws and policies regarding freedom of speech, profanity, obscenity, privacy, copyright, and misuse of computers generally. Persons using the technology system are required to comply with student conduct requirements generally as well as with the provisions of this policy.
All persons using the technology system shall comply with all applicable laws and district policies including, without limitation, laws and policies regarding freedom of speech, profanity, obscenity, privacy, copyright, and misuse of computers generally. Persons using the technology system are required to comply with student conduct requirements generally as well as with the provisions of this policy.
2.1 District Technology System. All computer and video hardware, software, operating systems, data, data storage media, networks and related devices, and data transmission and communications equipment and services (including Internet and e-mail).
2.2 User Area. A user area is comprised of that portion of the district technology system reserved for the personal use of an individual user, including but not limited to, user data files, programs, dynamic system work areas, or any other storage or processing resources dedicated to the user.
3.1 Orientation. Prior to being permitted to access and use the technology system, users will be required to complete an orientation session about proper technology system use and conduct.
3.2 System Etiquette. Users are expected to be courteous while using the technology system. Users shall not send or display material that is obscene, rude, offensive, or hate-based, or that could be construed as harassing to others based on their race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political belief or other protected characteristic. Users shall report any misuse of the technology system to the supervising teacher, site administrator, or district system administrator.
3.3 Messages. Users should not indiscriminately address messages to broad audiences (examples: spamming and chain letters). Message addressing should be narrowly tailored to the purpose at hand. Messages should only be sent to known recipients or locations. Messages or other materials should not be sent with misleading titles.
3.4 System Modifications. Users may not modify or alter the technology system in any way except under the express direction of the district's system administrator or designated representative. Modification and alteration of the technology system does not include ordinary operations involving saving and deleting user-generated files created in furtherance of district business or educational purposes.
3.5 Disclosure of Personal Information. Disclosure of users' own or others' personal information on the technology system is prohibited (examples: name, address, telephone number, Social Security Number).
3.6 Privacy/Technology System Monitoring. User information, data, and communications, including e-mails, transmitted over the technology system or contained in any part thereof is not private or subject to privacy protections. The district reserves and shall have the right to monitor all aspects of the district technology system, including user information, data, communications, and e-mails, for the purpose of ensuring system integrity and security, preventing system abuse, maintaining the system, and furthering legitimate educational purposes.
3.7 Student Images, Names, Identifying Information and Student Work. Individual images of students, student names and student work may be posted on district/school Web sites subject to parent/guardian approval. For safety reasons, student photos and names will not be displayed together.
3.8 Downloads/Scanned Materials. Approval must be obtained from the supervising teacher prior to downloading or scanning any materials into the technology system.
3.9 Passwords and System Security. Users are personally responsible for keeping their passwords secure, complying with system security measures, and intentional or negligent harm they may cause to the technology system. Sharing passwords or using the technology system under another user's password or account number is prohibited.
3.10 Harmful/Obscene/Inappropriate Materials. Users may not access or store harmful, obscene or other inappropriate materials on the technology system. The district reserves the right to limit the content of information accessed or stored on the technology system for legitimate pedagogical purposes.
The technology system may only be used in furtherance and support of the district's educational and business goals and purposes.
5.1 Illegal Use. Users may not process, transmit, download, or publish any material in violation of any local, state, or federal law, including but not limited to, the following:
a. Maliciously accessing, altering, deleting, damaging, or destroying any part of the technology system.
b. Moving another user's accounts, changing another user's passwords, or using unauthorized accounts.
c. Using the technology system to make money illegally or for illegal purposes.
d. Intentionally disrupting the technology system.
e. Causing damage to the technology system.
f. Using the technology system or materials contained therein in violation of copyright, trade secret, or libel laws, or for any other illegal purpose.
g. Fraudulent conduct, including credit card fraud or electronic forgery.
5.2 Viruses and Hacking. Users may not upload, transmit, download, or participate in any manner in the creation, promulgation, publication or use of computer viruses or any other harmful computer programs. Users may not engage in any form of "hacking" while using the technology system. Hacking includes, but is not limited to, gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to the technology system and/or viewing, copying, downloading, or altering the computer programs, operating systems, data files, and any other materials contained therein. Use of viruses and hacking will result in denial of access to the technology system and may result in further discipline as discussed in Section 9 below.
5.3 Private Security Measures. Users may not use any passwords, recognition codes, security access devices or methods, data encryption, or physical locking devices such as locks on any part of the technology system without the district's prior express written consent. Users will be assigned access levels to the technology system, including but not limited to the computer desktop security system. Users may not access the technology system beyond their assigned access levels.
5.4 Private Financial Gain/Business. The technology system may not be used for private financial gain or to operate a private business enterprise.
5.5 Use of District Names and Symbols. Users may not use the district's name, the name of district school sites or other facilities, or district or school logos or symbols outside of the technology system in a manner that creates the false impression that such use is sanctioned by the district. The district reserves the right to control the unauthorized use of its name, symbols, logos, or any other proprietary materials to the extent permitted by law.
6.1 Technology Protection Measures. The district employs an on-line filtering system for student access to the Internet. Students may access the Internet only through computers on which the filtering system is active.
6.2 Web Access Information. The district reserves the right to access user areas containing "cookies," web browser site access trails, or other web access information and modify or delete such items in the interests of system security, maintenance, integrity and legitimate educational purposes.
6.3 Student Web Sites. All Web pages created by students and student organizations on the technology system will be subject to treatment as district-sponsored publications. The district reserves the right to exercise editorial control over such publications as allowed by law in order to maintain an orderly school environment and to protect the rights, health and safety of all members of the school community.
6.4 Term Paper/Course Work Sites. Accessing Web sites or other sources to obtain third-party term papers or course work that is to be passed off as the user's own work is prohibited.
6.5 Use of Credit Cards & Financial Information. Users may not provide personal credit card or financial information of any type or conduct financial transactions over the technology system without the prior approval of the system administrator or supervising teacher. The district is not responsible for unauthorized costs incurred through use of the technology system.
The district assumes no liability, either expressed or implied, arising out of providing technology system access to users. The district shall not be responsible for any damages suffered by users as a result of using the technology system, including but not limited to, damages suffered as the result of the user's own negligence, system delays, service interruptions, non-delivery or misdelivery of data, or the acts of other users. Use of the technology system and information obtained therefrom is solely at the user's risk. The district makes no representation as to the content, accuracy, or veracity of any information on or obtained from the technology system. The district disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in or obtained from Internet service providers, or Web sites, or other sources outside the technology system.
The user and the user's parent or guardian agree to release and hold harmless the district and its officers, board members, employees and agents, from and against any and all liability, loss, expense, or claim for injury or damages user may have arising out of use of the technology system.
9.1 Discipline and/or Loss of Use Privileges. Use of the technology system is a privilege, not a right. Users who engage in the prohibited activities set forth in Section 5, or who use the technology system in such a way as to violate district rules and regulations, may be subject to appropriate discipline including loss of technology system use privileges, suspension, expulsion, and/or dismissal.
9.2 Procedural Rights. Users accused of violation of this Acceptable Use Policy shall have the same rights, privileges, and disciplinary procedures to which they are entitled for infractions not related to technology system use.
New Haven Unified School District Board Policy References:
cf.4121 - Staff Use of Electronic Information Resources
cf. 5131 - Conduct
cf. 5131.5 - Vandalism, Theft and Graffiti
cf. 5131.9 - Academic Honesty
cf. 5144 - Discipline
cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process
cf. 5145.1 - Privacy
cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression: Publications Code
cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination
cf. 5145.6 - Notifications Required by Law
cf. 5145.12 - Search and Seizure
cf. 6145.3 - Publications
cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials
cf. 6162.7 - Use of Technology Instruction
cf. 6162.8 - Research
cf. 6163.4 - Student Use of Electronic Information
Revised 4/02
New Haven Unified School District Board Policy References:
cf.4121 - Staff Use of Electronic Information Resources
cf. 5131 - Conduct
cf. 5131.5 - Vandalism, Theft and Graffiti
cf. 5131.9 - Academic Honesty
cf. 5144 - Discipline
cf. 5144.1 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process
cf. 5145.1 - Privacy
cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression: Publications Code
cf. 5145.3 - Nondiscrimination
cf. 5145.6 - Notifications Required by Law
cf. 5145.12 - Search and Seizure
cf. 6145.3 - Publications
cf. 6162.6 - Use of Copyrighted Materials
cf. 6162.7 - Use of Technology Instruction
cf. 6162.8 - Research
cf. 6163.4 - Student Use of Electronic Information
Revised 4/02