Mission Statement

The mission of the Alvarado, Kitayama, and Pioneer Elementary Media Centers is to provide all students with access to the library media center which, supports standards-based curriculum by providing instruction in library media curricula including 21st Century Literacy skills to ensure students become lifelong learners and productive citizens in our community and society.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lessons Week 14: 12/5 - 12/9

5th Grade: Continue Marine Science Institute Fact Finding
Collect 1 "Creative Commons Licensing" image for each animal.

1. Open your Word Document: Macintosh HD, Documents, Your Name.
2. Open link above.
Find image, (apple key, C to copy).
Click on your Word Document, place cursor near where you want the image, (apple key, V to paste).
3. Repeat by clicking on WikiSpaces to find an image for each animal, and repeating the steps.
4. Apple Key, S to SAVE!

4th Grade: Continue California State Scavenger Hunt

1. Open your Word Document: Macintosh HD, Documents, Your Name.
2. Open Firefox, use the WEBSITE.
3. Find 3-4 word phrase facts for each subject.
Click and drag to highlight, then (apple key, C to copy).
Click on your Word Document, place cursor near where you want to paste (apple key, V to paste).
3. Repeat by returning to GOOGLE, and repeating the steps.
4. Apple Key, S to SAVE!

3rd & 2nd Grade: Letter to Santa or Soldier
1. Keep this window open.
2. Open Microsoft WORD.
3. Click and drag to highlight one of the following letters:

Dear Santa,
My name is . I am years old. I tried this year to be . My wish this year is . I hope when you check your list twice, my name is on the "Good List". I did my best. I'll try to remember to leave you some milk and cookies for your long trip on Christmas Eve. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with Mrs. Clause at the North Pole.




Dear Soldier,
My name is . I am years old, and in the grade at Alvarado Elementary School, in Union City, California. I'm writing you this letter to let you know that . I want to thank you for your service and sacrifices. I hope you stay safe and return home soon.




1st Grade: Check out books. Computers: www.tvokids.com

Kinder: Read aloud: . Then Computers: www.tvokids.com