Mission Statement

The mission of the Alvarado, Kitayama, and Pioneer Elementary Media Centers is to provide all students with access to the library media center which, supports standards-based curriculum by providing instruction in library media curricula including 21st Century Literacy skills to ensure students become lifelong learners and productive citizens in our community and society.

Monday, January 28, 2013

I'll miss you!

Yes, it's true.  With the coming of the Race to the Top Grant funding, all our schools will now be staffed, and open full time.  This means there are going to be big changes.  Although it was a hard decision, I am moving to Cesar Chavez Middle School starting on February 12th.

I have had a wonderful time teaching fifth grade and media at Alvarado Elementary for the last 6 years.  I will miss all of your wonderful smiles, and great discussions on the fun reads we've had together.

Who knows?  Maybe we'll meet again!
Mrs. Valine