Mission Statement

The mission of the Alvarado, Kitayama, and Pioneer Elementary Media Centers is to provide all students with access to the library media center which, supports standards-based curriculum by providing instruction in library media curricula including 21st Century Literacy skills to ensure students become lifelong learners and productive citizens in our community and society.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Lesson: Week 16: 1/3 - 1/9

5th Grade:
Continue Science Scavenger Hunt - Collecting "Creative Commons" Pictures to add to saved document.

4th Grade:
Continue California State Scavenger Hunt - Collecting "Creative Commons" Pictures to add to saved document.

Use the following for "Creative Commons" Pictures
Pic4Learning.com or

3rd/2nd Grade: Parts of a Book Hunt: Dictionaries

1st Grade: Read aloud -
Check out.

Kinder: Read aloud -

Friday, December 9, 2011

Lessons Week 15: 12/12 - 12/16

Over the winter break, keep track of the number of hours you read for fun. Fill out your read to succeed log, and return to school the first week in January. Students who read at least 6 hours will receive one FREE ticket to Six Flags Marine World to use this summer!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Valine

5th Grade: Continue with Science Fact Search
4th Grade: Continue with California Scavenger Hunt

Use Pic4Learning.com or
or FlickerStorm
to get Creative Commons Pics for each topic.

3rd & 2nd Grade: Continue with letter, add illustration & Print. No Check out.

1st Grade: 2nd half The Velveteen Rabbit

Kinder: 2nd half - The Velveteen Rabbit

Friday, December 2, 2011

Lessons Week 14: 12/5 - 12/9

5th Grade: Continue Marine Science Institute Fact Finding
Collect 1 "Creative Commons Licensing" image for each animal.

1. Open your Word Document: Macintosh HD, Documents, Your Name.
2. Open link above.
Find image, (apple key, C to copy).
Click on your Word Document, place cursor near where you want the image, (apple key, V to paste).
3. Repeat by clicking on WikiSpaces to find an image for each animal, and repeating the steps.
4. Apple Key, S to SAVE!

4th Grade: Continue California State Scavenger Hunt

1. Open your Word Document: Macintosh HD, Documents, Your Name.
2. Open Firefox, use the WEBSITE.
3. Find 3-4 word phrase facts for each subject.
Click and drag to highlight, then (apple key, C to copy).
Click on your Word Document, place cursor near where you want to paste (apple key, V to paste).
3. Repeat by returning to GOOGLE, and repeating the steps.
4. Apple Key, S to SAVE!

3rd & 2nd Grade: Letter to Santa or Soldier
1. Keep this window open.
2. Open Microsoft WORD.
3. Click and drag to highlight one of the following letters:

Dear Santa,
My name is . I am years old. I tried this year to be . My wish this year is . I hope when you check your list twice, my name is on the "Good List". I did my best. I'll try to remember to leave you some milk and cookies for your long trip on Christmas Eve. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with Mrs. Clause at the North Pole.




Dear Soldier,
My name is . I am years old, and in the grade at Alvarado Elementary School, in Union City, California. I'm writing you this letter to let you know that . I want to thank you for your service and sacrifices. I hope you stay safe and return home soon.




1st Grade: Check out books. Computers: www.tvokids.com

Kinder: Read aloud: . Then Computers: www.tvokids.com

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lessons week 13: 11/28 - 11/2

Welcome Back!
5th grade: Science Word Document: copy and paste
4th grade: California State Fact Search: Word Document, copy and paste
3rd & 2nd: Dance Mat Typing
1st & Kinder: www.Tvokids.com


5th Grade Instructions:
Use this website to gather information on three fish or crustaceans you may be discover on your upcoming field trip.
Copy and paste the following into a Word Document. Put both partner's names, core teacher and date at the top.

The Marine Science Institute
and Amazing Bay Life

Sailing aboard the Robert G. Brownlee in the San Francisco Bay with the Marine Science Institute, fifth grade students from Alvarado Elementary were able to discover some amazing bay life!

Common Name:
Scientific Name:
Interesting Fact:
Interesting Fact:

Common Name:
Scientific Name:
Interesting Fact:
Interesting Fact:

Common Name:
Scientific Name:
Interesting Fact:
Interesting Fact:


Explore the Virtual Bay with the Marine Science Institute. Marine Science Institute, 28/11/2011. Web. 28 Nov 2011. .


4th Grade Instructions - Copy and paste the following into a word document. Put both partners names on the top, with your teacher's name and today's date.

Find two facts for each of the following:
California State Flag
California Capitol
Governor of California
Senators of California
State Nickname
State Motto
State Animal
State Flower
State Tree
State Bird
State Quarter
State Song

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lessons Week 11: 11/9 - 11/18

First Trimester Top 10 Book Checkouts
1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: the Ugly Truth
4. Scary Stories 3
5. Kristy's Great Idea
6. The BFG
7. Out From Boneville
8. The Adventures of Captain Underpants
9. Christmas in Camelot
10. Holes

5th - 4th Grade:
Read aloud: How Many Day to America? by Eve Bunting
Library Card Clean Up (- dups, order missing)

3rd - 2nd Grade:
Read aloud: How Many Days to America? by Eve Bunting
Library Card Clean Up

1st & Kinder:
Read aloud: Thanksgiving by Miriam Nerlove
Discuss traditions.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lessons Week 10: 11/2 - 11/8

5th, & 4th Grade:
Internet Safety Quiz
Print Results, write your name and room number on it, then turn it in.
Check out.

3rd & 2nd Grade:
Internet Safety Quiz
Check out.

ABC Order - How we organize the library.
Alpha Order Tiles.
Check out.

Video: Berenstein Bears Halloween.
Alpha Order Blocks.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 9: 10/25-10/31

Spotting what's real...
Evaluating Websites.

5th - 4th:
Evaluating Websites PPT
Spook or Real Web Search

3rd - 2nd:
Evaluating Websites PPT
Is it Real?

1st - Kinder:
DVD Read Aloud In the Haunted House

1st Grade - Checkout
Kinder - WWW.abcya.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 8: 10/19 - 10/25

5th - 3rd Grade:
Internet Safety - Chat rooms, emails, pop-ups
The Safe Side Video - Chapters 3-5.

2nd - Kinder:
Internet Safety - "My Online Neighborhood" Video
Checkout - Except Kinder
Going Online - www.abcya.com

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 7: 10/12 - 10/18

Internet Safety

Grades 4 & 5:

Brainstorm rules for chatting online.
Chatting Safely Checklist

Grades 2 & 3:

Website Traffic Light
Go, Caution, Stop for websites

Grade 1:
First Checkout.
Review checkout procedures.
Review E book & "Not so easy, Not so hard" book locations.
Only check out the above books this month.

Grade K:

Going Places Safely.
Online field trip to National Zoo in Washington DC and to the library on Sesame Street!

My Favorite Place Drawing

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 6: 10/5 - 10/11

5th & 4th Grade:
Internet Savvy Survey
1. Students check in own books. 5th grade reshelve. 4th grade place on cart.
2. 1/2 class check out books, while other half takes Internet Savvy Survey. Switch.
3. Independent read at tables.

3rd & 2nd Grade:
Cyber Bullying
1. Drop off books in book return, Independent Read.
2. Video
Last week we watched Faux Paw the Internet Cat and learned to:
Keep Safe - our personal information when online
Keep Away - from internet strangers
Keep Telling - an adult if we see anything online that makes us feel uncomfortable

This week Faux Paw is going to teach us about Cyber Bullying and how to avoid FLAME.

3. Check out books.

1st Grade:
1. Independent read.
2. Read aloud: Library Lion.
3. Computers: www.abcya.com for first grade.

1. Read aloud: Library Lion.
2. Independent read at tables (5 min).
3. First computer use: www.abcya.com for kinders.
You'll have to show them how to navigate the website, in and out of the games using the X on the game to close.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 5: 9/28 - 10/4

5th & 4th Grade:
Internet Safety - The Safe Side Video Chapters 1-3
-Introduction to the Internet
-Always ask your Safe Side Adult
-Hot Tip: Never go into chat rooms alone...
Check out.

3rd & 2nd Grade:

Internet Safety Tips:
Keep Safe - my personal information (name, address, phone number, school, and picture).
Keep Away - from internet strangers.
Keep Telling - your parents about things that you see on the internet that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Check out.

Caring for Books.

Caring for computers.
Turning on, logging in, navigating to aemediacenter.blogspot.com, shutting down.

Week Starting October 4th - 7th
Read aloud: Library Lion.
Computer care, share with students how to navigate abcya.com.
1st Computer use: abcya.com

Friday, September 23, 2011

Week 4 Lesson Plans

The Book Fair Continues ONLINE!

5th-3rd Grades:
Go to Online Book Fair @ scholastic.com/schoolbookfairs or red tab on top of this site.

How To Search:
Author - Kinney
Title - Dork Diaries
Subject - Titanic
Online Orders taken until 10/10 and delivered to your classroom after 10/10!

CATS search:
Title, Author, & Subject (same search as above), show on screen where the book location is listed (blue)
Check out.

2nd Grade:
Call students by LAST YEAR's class teacher to collect their library cards, from their last year's teacher's stack. Make new stack for this class.
Review Check out.
Review Book Location.
1st Check out.
Online Book Fair if time. www.aemediacenter.blogspot.com

1st Grade:
Read Aloud: Shark VS. Train.
Book Care cards - review how to care for books.
Read Parent Letter to go home with this weeks Thurs. envelope.
Online Book Fair.

No Kinder.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Book Fair is Coming!

This week we'll be previewing many of the great books that can be found at our Back to School Night Book Fair!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lessons Week 2

Library Orientation - Rules Review - Book Care

What did you read this summer?

5th & 4th Grade: Book Care Video, Checkout

3rd & 2nd Grade: Book Care Video, Library Dragon

1st Grade: Book Care Video, Library Lion

1st & 2nd Grade Video:

3rd - 5th Grade Video:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hope you all had a wonderful summer full of sun, excitement and books. Hope you remembered to bring Ms. Noriega your book list the first day of school to collect your prize. Or, took advantage of the summer reading game at the Union City Library.

Coming soon to our Media Center are brand new books! Look for them on the new book display, as I will be slowly putting them out each day as we begin checking out.

This Week's Lessons:
Welcome to the Media Center PPT

5th grade: First Day Jitters
4th grade: A Fine, Fine School
3rd grade: How I Spent My Summer Vacation
2nd grade: The Brand New Kid
1st grade: First Grade Stinks

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 7 - 13

5th - 1st: Union City Summer Reading Game PPT
Read Alouds:
How I Learned Geography by Uri Shulevitz
Away From Home by Anita Lobel
Travels with My Cactus by Charles Schultz
The Three Legged Cat by Margaret Mahy


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Media Lessons 6/1 - 6/7

5th - 3rd:

2nd - 1st:

Learning to Checkout
The Checkout Song

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Media Lessons 5/23 - 5/27

5th: Big6 Web Research Skills
4th/3rd: Reference Jeopardy
2nd/1st: Cool Dog, School Dog, Yes Day!
Collaboration Project: School Yes Day Book!
K: yes day
Learning to Checkout
The Checkout Song

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Media Lessons 5/16

All books due and paid for by this Friday! All classes with all books turned in get a super delicious prize!

5th - Kinder
It's Book Fair Time!

Book Fair Video
Book Talk Book Fair Books
Create posters to promote Book Fair/ One Book Project

Learning to Checkout
The Checkout Song

Monday, May 9, 2011

Media Lessons 5/9 - 5/13

Last week to check out!

5th: Online Research Super Websites! Just check out Mrs Valine's blog

4th & 3rd: Reference Book Rodeo! (We'll share next week...collect pages please!)

2nd: Dance Matt Typing

1st: Literacy Games from BBC.com

K: Learning to Checkout - The Checkout Song

Monday, May 2, 2011

Media Lessons 5/2 - 5/6

5th - 4th:
California Young Reader Medal WINNER!

Celebrating Carmen Agra Deedy Watch DVD:
14 Cows for America

Checkout books
Reminder All Books must be turned in 5/13

3rd - 1st:
Announce CYRM Winner!
Current Events - Watch Man Who Walked Between the Towers

Checkout books
Reminder All Books must be turned in 5/13

Announce CYRM Winner!
Create a "Trophy" for the winner
Computers: www.ABCYA.com

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lessons 4/21 - 4/27

5th - 3rd Grades:
Reliable Websites


Fill in the information below about the above website.

Kinder - 1st Grades: More Mercer Mayer - It's Almost Easter Time!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lessons 4/14 - 4/20

5th - 3rd Grade: Thesaurus Skills

2nd - Kinder: Meet Mercer Mayer

Mercer Mayer Sings too!

More Mercer Mayer Imagination!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lessons 3/31 - 4/13

5th - 3rd
1. Read aloud, "Dewey Decimal or I've Got Your Number" comic.
2. Check out books.
3. Dewey Decimal Word Search
4. Dewey Decimal Rap

2nd - Kinder
1. Puppets: Students act out the three little pigs.
2. Read aloud, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.
3. 2nd/1st Check out books.
3. Kinder Computer skills www.TVOKids.com

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lessons 3/24 - 3/30

5th - 3rd Grade
1. Introduce online test using overhead
2. Take online test individually on computers/ other half class check out books
3. Switch Groups
4. Review correct answers to quiz.

Grades 3-5: Call Number & Locations Assessment

2nd Grade
1. Introduce online Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
2. Students work in pairs to complete
3. Check out books

1st - Kinder
1. Point out location of Fairytales and discuss
2. Show DVD: Happily Ever After - "Mother Goose"
3. 1st Grade Check out - Kinder computers WWW.TVOKIds.com

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lesson Plans 3/16 - 3/22

5th - 3rd
1. Pass out last week's "Dewey Search" to complete this week
2. Review CATS subject search
3. Students complete in pairs, then turn in.
4. Check out books.

2nd - 1st
Labeling Non-Fiction Text Features
1. Using the Big Book - Non-Fiction "Bubble Gum" read list of non-fiction labels.
2. Read "Bubble Gum" have individual students label the features as you read each section.
3. Check out.

1.Labeling Non-Fiction Text Features Using Big Book "Ants"
Follow the same directions as 2nd/1st grade.
2. Computer Skills: WWW.TVOKids.com

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lessons 3/9 - 3/15

5th - 3rd Grade: Using CATS
1. "Dewey Search" Worksheet
2. Read each sentence, circle keywords which may be helpful in a subject search in CATS
3. Using CATS, on overhead, show how to look up #1 & 2.
4. Check Out
5. If time permits, students may use CATS to start looking up #3- end.
6. Collect papers for next week.

2nd Grade Finding E & F Books
1. Using Call Number Cards, give each student one, who will then go and find a book which corresponds to that card.
2. Check out books.

Kinder - 1st: Fiction VS Nonfiction
1. Using Fiction/Nonfiction cover cards, students sort in T-chart
2. Read aloud, "Astronauts" Fiction or Non-Fiction? How do we know?
3. 1st Grade checks out books, Kinder to computers WWW.TVOKids.com