5th & 4th Grade:
Internet Safety - The Safe Side Video Chapters 1-3
-Introduction to the Internet
-Always ask your Safe Side Adult
-Hot Tip: Never go into chat rooms alone...
Check out.
3rd & 2nd Grade:
Internet Safety Tips:
Keep Safe - my personal information (name, address, phone number, school, and picture).
Keep Away - from internet strangers.
Keep Telling - your parents about things that you see on the internet that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Check out.
Caring for Books.
Caring for computers.
Turning on, logging in, navigating to aemediacenter.blogspot.com, shutting down.
Week Starting October 4th - 7th
Read aloud: Library Lion.
Computer care, share with students how to navigate abcya.com.
1st Computer use: abcya.com